Welcome to general practice Ramnath.
The surgery of general practitioner Ramnath is located on the Beeklaan number 144 in The Haque.
Opening hours:
Our surgery is open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am till 5 pm.
Consultations are by appointment only. If you wish to make an appointment please call (+003170) 345 5099 (preferably between 8 am and 11 am).
Please ask for a double appointment if you have multiple complaints that you want to discuss.
If you are visiting the website because of a medical emergency, please call our emergency line: (+003170) 345 5099 and press 1.
If every second counts: call 112
Our surgery is open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
Outside office hours, during weekends and bank holidays you can contact the Huisartsenpost: (+003170) 346 9669.